How Mobile Apps Can Help Small Businesses
If you are an entrepreneur new in the industry, then you will be occupied with a number of things to do on your own. Due to the initial phase of business, it’s difficult to automate things early or everything starts to fall apart. The emergence of mobile apps in global industry has helped businesses to a great extent. Let’s explore some areas where you can enhance your productivity just by loading off some work to mobile apps.
Handling of Contracts
Businesses and clients tend to form legally binding agreements in order to work together, ranging the quantity of the work to be performed to who will hold ownership over the end-product.
Some mobile apps are there to provide you templates and examples to guide you through the legal process. However, that does not mean that apps will replace a lawyer, but it’s always better to gain some basic insight of law rather than to work from scratch. Apps also help you in managing your huge pile of contracts and client relationships, take photos of important documents, scheduling of meeting with clients, etc.
Project Management
Project management largely depends on the number and complexity of projects you have in hand. There are some useful apps that can manage your work online. Team members can easily create projects, describe the nature and scale of the task, delegate work to others, attach related documents, and perform other project management routines. The ease of access to mobile apps allows everyone working on the project to remain on the same page.
Time Management
Some clients come to work in detail and may demand how you have spent their “paid” time. As a small business with a limited staff base in office packed with several things at once, it may become difficult for you to keep record of time spent on every transaction, meeting, etc.
However, there are mobile apps that can help you in creating and managing timesheets, track work and produce reports, allow you the option of synching to Google Calendar, and may more.
At the end of any transaction, you always want to get paid. For that you need to send invoices to clients. Rather than needing only computer to do the billing work, smartphone and tablet apps allows you to do the same from anywhere at any time.
Receiving Payments
Nowadays, even small businesses have gone past the way of adding payment receivables entry in the register. You can accept payments from anywhere with a large number of mobile apps available in the market. You can also receive payments through a credit card and have the funds transferred to your account. Mobile apps ensure that your cash flows remain organized by working from anywhere around the globe.
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